Stack is a very popular data structure used for storing & retrieving data. It is last in first out data structure where data can be inserted & deleted from one end (from top) only.
Real Time Applications Of Stack
(1) Memory Management
(2) Expression Conversion & Evaluation (Prefix, Infix, Postfix)
(3) Backtracking (Finding minimal path, In Games)
Infix To Postfix Conversion & Evaluation
Java, .Net, Php etc. technologies provide apis to push, pop elements into stack but in C,C++ we have to implement that libraries.
Using this C Program, you will be able to push, pop, peep, display data onto stack.
(1) Push :- Insert Element at top of the stack.
(2) Pop :- It deleted top most element from the stack.
(3) Peep :- It returns Top Most Element without deleting it.
(4) Display :- It displays stack contents.
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Here is the program.

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Real Time Applications Of Stack
(1) Memory Management
(2) Expression Conversion & Evaluation (Prefix, Infix, Postfix)
(3) Backtracking (Finding minimal path, In Games)
Infix To Postfix Conversion & Evaluation
Java, .Net, Php etc. technologies provide apis to push, pop elements into stack but in C,C++ we have to implement that libraries.
Using this C Program, you will be able to push, pop, peep, display data onto stack.
(1) Push :- Insert Element at top of the stack.
(2) Pop :- It deleted top most element from the stack.
(3) Peep :- It returns Top Most Element without deleting it.
(4) Display :- It displays stack contents.
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Here is the program.

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