customize your blog for better SEO purpose and better user engagement.
Blogger tips and tricks
(1) change link of existing post
(2) blogger redirect
(3) blogger multiple authors
(4) blogger post template changes
We will learn above blogger tips 1 by 1.
Blogger tips and tricks 1 :- Change URL of existing blogger post
For SEO purpose or for any other reasons, if you want to change url of exisiting blogger posts, you can easily change it.
Steps to Change Url
(1) Open the existing post in edit mode for which you want to change url.
(2) Click on Revert to Draft button.

(3) You can see Custom Permalink option box enabled there. Re-write the url and save it.

Blogger tips 2 :- blogger redirect | Redirection In blogger
You can have internal redirection within your blogger blog or website.
Let’s say you have changed link of any existing post and that post is linked to new link. So the link you had earlier will become dead link. You might have promoted that link to many other places and they all will be having dead links.
It is better not to have any dead links for your website. To avoid dead link, redirect old link to new link. Blogger redirect helps to point old dead links to new links.
Steps for redirection(1) Go to Settings –> Search Preferences. Click Edit on Custom Redirects field.
(2) Now Click on New Redirect –> Enter old link in from textbox and new link in To textbox.

(3) Now, your old link will be redirected to new link.
Blogger tips and tricks 3 :- Add multiple Authors | blogger multiple authors
If you want to allow guest posting or allow your friends to have full control of your blog, you can opt for blogger multiple authors option.
You can users as Admin or author. Admin users will have full permissions to control your blog but Authors will have restricted access and they can only add posts to your blog.
Steps for adding additional blogger author
(1) Click on Add authors to send invitation to person and that person will be notifies via mail.

(2) Once user accepts the invitation, you can assign him roles of Admin or Author.
Blogger tips 4 : blogger post | blogger post template change
Nowadays bloggers have many option to engage with their readers like comments, Social sharing, Author profile etc. For that, changes in blogger post template is required.
To add all these options, you can go to Layout –> click on edit in blog posts sectionand you can add all the listed options to your individual blogger post.

blogger tips
blogger redirect
blogger multiple authors
blogger tips and tricks
blogger post template
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