Men and sex will always go together. And despite the calls for equality and the new HeForShe movement by the United Nations, you can’t deny the fact that there are more research and drugs
dedicated to men and how they can get better in bed. Case in point: Viagra.
But what if someone tells you that there is a food that can boost your endurance, improve your performance and help you get better in bed? Would you buy that idea?
You might think that this is not possible, because how can one food do all of this when most male enhancement pills are combination of two and more ingredients?
Well, say hello to beet juice. Beets are an ancient food that naturally grew along coastlines in North Africa, Europe and Asia. In the 19th century, beets were used to make sugar after Napoleon reportedly designated beets as France’s main source of sugar, because the British restricted their access to sugar cane. Today, sugar beets are still used to make sugar. But, did you know that there’s more to beets than just adding sweetness to your meals?
Here are surprising benefits of taking beet juice, and yes guys, you’ll also find out how it can boost your sexual performance, too.

High blood pressure can indicate many things. Yes, it may not seem like a serious issue, but maintaining your blood pressure levels at a normal rate is very important.
Aside from making sure that your health is still intact, normal blood pressure can be good for your man down there, too.
In that case, you have to thank the naturally-occurring nitrates found in beets. Once taken, the nitrates are converted into nitric oxide in your body to help you relax and dilate your blood vessels. As a result, your blood pressure is lowered plus blood flow is improved, especially down there. And you know what it means when enough blood is flowing in your penis, right? Better, longer and harder erections. Tempting, isn’t it?
If you are still not convinced, scientists conducted a study of 254 people between 2006 and 2012. The researchers found out that those who drank yellow or red beet juice recorded lower blood pressure, particularly the systolic blood pressure.
Another thing. Drinking beet juice is more effective than eating the beets themselves. You can lose the essential nutrients of beets when you cook them, so it is better to juice beets to get 100 percent of those phytonutrients that can help lower your blood pressure.
Aside from making sure that your health is still intact, normal blood pressure can be good for your man down there, too.
In that case, you have to thank the naturally-occurring nitrates found in beets. Once taken, the nitrates are converted into nitric oxide in your body to help you relax and dilate your blood vessels. As a result, your blood pressure is lowered plus blood flow is improved, especially down there. And you know what it means when enough blood is flowing in your penis, right? Better, longer and harder erections. Tempting, isn’t it?
If you are still not convinced, scientists conducted a study of 254 people between 2006 and 2012. The researchers found out that those who drank yellow or red beet juice recorded lower blood pressure, particularly the systolic blood pressure.
Another thing. Drinking beet juice is more effective than eating the beets themselves. You can lose the essential nutrients of beets when you cook them, so it is better to juice beets to get 100 percent of those phytonutrients that can help lower your blood pressure.

Photo by Breville USA / CC BY
Aside from cardiovascular disease, do you know what other disease is killing millions of people around the world? Yes, you got it right. It’s cancer. And thankfully, there is an ingredient that can help prevent the big C from haunting your life.
Beets contain betacyanin, a cancer-preventive component that prevents the formation of cancerous tumors and at the same time, detoxifies your body of all toxins that can harm your health. Aside from this, the phytonutrients which gives beets its deep crimson color can also help prevent cancer from staying around.
And if you are the geeky type who won’t believe something unless a scientific study backs it up, there are a number of research studies that show how beet juice can be effective against various types of cancers, such as leukemia, colon, prostate, breast, skin and liver, among others.
Of course you still cannot rely on beets completely, but at least you know there is something more you can do to prevent cancer besides living a healthy lifestyle.
Aside from cardiovascular disease, do you know what other disease is killing millions of people around the world? Yes, you got it right. It’s cancer. And thankfully, there is an ingredient that can help prevent the big C from haunting your life.
Beets contain betacyanin, a cancer-preventive component that prevents the formation of cancerous tumors and at the same time, detoxifies your body of all toxins that can harm your health. Aside from this, the phytonutrients which gives beets its deep crimson color can also help prevent cancer from staying around.
And if you are the geeky type who won’t believe something unless a scientific study backs it up, there are a number of research studies that show how beet juice can be effective against various types of cancers, such as leukemia, colon, prostate, breast, skin and liver, among others.
Of course you still cannot rely on beets completely, but at least you know there is something more you can do to prevent cancer besides living a healthy lifestyle.

Photo by Andrés Gómez García / CC BY
Inflammation has become a precursor to many serious medical conditions.
Therefore, it is very important to fight inflammation to prevent illnesses such as cancer, diabetes and arthritis among others, from happening. In this case, beet juice can be your best friend.
Beets contain betaine, a kind of nutrient that helps protect your cells, proteins and enzymes against environmental stress. At the same time, betaine is not in a good relationship with inflammation, so it protects your internal organs against vascular risk factors.
And if you are looking for something that will enhance your performance in and out of the sheets, betaine is something you can trust, too.
It is a fact – there are just so many chronic diseases these days, it’s too hard to keep track of what’s what.
The good news is there are easier and more convenient means to preserve your health. Don’t get too tired of hearing this, but again, beet juice can help in the preserve your health department.
Inflammation has become a precursor to many serious medical conditions.
Therefore, it is very important to fight inflammation to prevent illnesses such as cancer, diabetes and arthritis among others, from happening. In this case, beet juice can be your best friend.
Beets contain betaine, a kind of nutrient that helps protect your cells, proteins and enzymes against environmental stress. At the same time, betaine is not in a good relationship with inflammation, so it protects your internal organs against vascular risk factors.
And if you are looking for something that will enhance your performance in and out of the sheets, betaine is something you can trust, too.
It is a fact – there are just so many chronic diseases these days, it’s too hard to keep track of what’s what.
The good news is there are easier and more convenient means to preserve your health. Don’t get too tired of hearing this, but again, beet juice can help in the preserve your health department.

Photo by handarmdoc / CC BY
The raw oxalic acid found in beet juice can be a good solvent of bad calcium deposits in your body. According to David Wolfe, the world’s number one raw food teacher, bad or inorganic calcium deposits are the main cause of a lot of chronic diseases such as heart disease, kidney stones, eye problems, cancer and arthritis, among others,
Drinking beet juices allows your body to go through detoxification process. This means that when the calcium is dissolved, all of the toxins, heavy metals and viruses will be released from your system, no matter where they are hiding.
The raw oxalic acid found in beet juice can be a good solvent of bad calcium deposits in your body. According to David Wolfe, the world’s number one raw food teacher, bad or inorganic calcium deposits are the main cause of a lot of chronic diseases such as heart disease, kidney stones, eye problems, cancer and arthritis, among others,
Drinking beet juices allows your body to go through detoxification process. This means that when the calcium is dissolved, all of the toxins, heavy metals and viruses will be released from your system, no matter where they are hiding.

Photo by Sherri Christian / CC BY-SA
Sex is also a form of exercise. You may not burn hundreds of calories just by releasing those juices, but the pre-game rituals and the humping itself can burn hundreds of calories, depending on how long you will last.
Therefore, drinking beet juice will benefit you, not just in the bedroom, but also during your gym time. Based on a study published in the Journal of Applied Physiology in 2010, researchers found out that drinking beet juice balances the oxygen use that allows your body to tap in on your energy and stamina wisely.
This is because the nitrates found in beet juices make it easier for oxygen to get into your muscles and allow you to breathe.

Sex is also a form of exercise. You may not burn hundreds of calories just by releasing those juices, but the pre-game rituals and the humping itself can burn hundreds of calories, depending on how long you will last.
Therefore, drinking beet juice will benefit you, not just in the bedroom, but also during your gym time. Based on a study published in the Journal of Applied Physiology in 2010, researchers found out that drinking beet juice balances the oxygen use that allows your body to tap in on your energy and stamina wisely.
This is because the nitrates found in beet juices make it easier for oxygen to get into your muscles and allow you to breathe.

In relation to how beet juice can help your body respond well to exercise, this superfood can also boost your stamina both in and out of the bed. Did you know that, in a study, people who consumed beet juice before the workout were able to exercise 16 percent more?
And that is according to a study conducted by researchers from the University of Exeter. At the same time, drinking beet juice for six straight days is proven to give you better stamina.
Again, you have to thank the nitrates found in beets. Once your body turns the nitrates into nitric oxide, it will use less oxygen when doing low-intensity exercise. At the same time, it can boost your tolerance and energy levels during those high-intensity workouts.
Translate this to sex. You don’t have to go humping all the time, since you need to lay a proper foundation first before the actual sex takes place, thereby preserving your energy. Once you and your girl are ready to go on the sex battlefield, you have enough energy to sustain it and hopefully, make you last longer – which she will absolutely love.
And that is according to a study conducted by researchers from the University of Exeter. At the same time, drinking beet juice for six straight days is proven to give you better stamina.
Again, you have to thank the nitrates found in beets. Once your body turns the nitrates into nitric oxide, it will use less oxygen when doing low-intensity exercise. At the same time, it can boost your tolerance and energy levels during those high-intensity workouts.
Translate this to sex. You don’t have to go humping all the time, since you need to lay a proper foundation first before the actual sex takes place, thereby preserving your energy. Once you and your girl are ready to go on the sex battlefield, you have enough energy to sustain it and hopefully, make you last longer – which she will absolutely love.

Photo by Kos / CC BY-SA
Now that you’ve read what beet juice can do, not just to your guy down there, but also to your overall health, it is safe to say that making beet juice a part of your daily diet can also improve your sex life.
Just remember this. Your penis does not have a magic wand that can turn it from flaccid to solid. And don’t even think about making those potions or spells because that is plain stupid. It’s the 21st century. You still believe that?
All you need is a glass of beet juice to get the blood pumping down there. Since beets have the ability to open up the blood vessels and allow more oxygen flow to boost blood being pumped in your entire organs, you can get rock-solid erections, which will make both of you happier.
It only takes one to two cups of beet juice a day to enjoy these benefits. In that case, having a juicer may come in handy. All you need to do is to wash the beets well to make sure that no mud or dirt ends up in your drink, cut it into quarters and push it through the juicer. You can also use a blender if a juicer is not available. Try adding some apples, carrots, ginger or lemon for added taste.
Or if you are too busy and time won’t permit you to make your own juice, there’s always the grocery store or health food store where ready-to-drink beet juices cost from $5 to $7. You can even order it online if you can’t get out of the office. Still, it is more advisable that you make your own to make sure that you are getting only the best, minus the chemicals and preservatives.
So, are you ready to get pumped up in bed?
Now that you’ve read what beet juice can do, not just to your guy down there, but also to your overall health, it is safe to say that making beet juice a part of your daily diet can also improve your sex life.
Just remember this. Your penis does not have a magic wand that can turn it from flaccid to solid. And don’t even think about making those potions or spells because that is plain stupid. It’s the 21st century. You still believe that?
All you need is a glass of beet juice to get the blood pumping down there. Since beets have the ability to open up the blood vessels and allow more oxygen flow to boost blood being pumped in your entire organs, you can get rock-solid erections, which will make both of you happier.
It only takes one to two cups of beet juice a day to enjoy these benefits. In that case, having a juicer may come in handy. All you need to do is to wash the beets well to make sure that no mud or dirt ends up in your drink, cut it into quarters and push it through the juicer. You can also use a blender if a juicer is not available. Try adding some apples, carrots, ginger or lemon for added taste.
Or if you are too busy and time won’t permit you to make your own juice, there’s always the grocery store or health food store where ready-to-drink beet juices cost from $5 to $7. You can even order it online if you can’t get out of the office. Still, it is more advisable that you make your own to make sure that you are getting only the best, minus the chemicals and preservatives.
So, are you ready to get pumped up in bed?
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