Yes, you read it right. I made approx Rs 50,000/- from Flipkart Affiliate in just 30 days and below you can see the proof in my Flipkart Affiliate account Screenshot. In this is post I will share with you how I made this money from Flipkart and how you can also replicate the same success step-by-step
and make money from Flipkart affiliate for yourself.

Flipkart is a leading ecommerce company in India and offers variety of products from clothes to electronics, all under one roof. I am sure most of you might have ordered something from, or at least browsed through Flipkart’ shopping website; at one point or another.
So far you might have know Flipkart only as a way to spend your money, now let me show you a way to earn money from Flipkart. YES you can earn money from an online shopping site.
There are various ways how you can earn money from Flipkart and I will share all of them with you in this post. I make money from Snapdeal Affiliate too, click here to know how to make money from Snapdeal Affiliate.
This post is for both types of users, those who already have a Flipkart affiliate account, and also those of you who are complete newbie to this game.
For those of you who don’t have a Flipkart affiliate account, check step 3, where I have added a detailed step by step video explaining how you can create your own Flipkart affiliate account. After that, all of us will be on same page, so now that all of us have a Flipkart affiliate account, let’s jump into the game.
Have something to sell, put it on Flipkart. Yes you too can sell your products on Flipkart. By prod1uct I don’t means household items. For selling those, you have Here I am referring to those of you who are interested in being a businessmen/businesswomen.
There are two ways to find what to sell on Flipkart. 1st is if you already have a product, which you manufacture or make yourself, like handicraft items, clothes, jewellery, fashion accessories and much more, then Flipkart is the place you can sell them.
2nd option is for those who don’t have any product of your own, procure something! There are tons and tons of products out there that are selling at cheaper prices elsewhere, you can procure these products and them upsell them on Flipkart.
Once you have procured the item, you can set your own selling price for it, and add it to Flipkart. This is a cool way to make money, since you will not have to spend anything at all in promoting your product. Flipkart will manage all the advertising. I have helped individuals in making 4 figure profits from their sales on Flipkart. If your product clicks with the audience, sky is the limit to your earning potential via Flipkart.
The process to become a seller on Flipkart is quite straightforward:
Step 1: Register on Flipkart as a seller
Step 2: Provide all information related to the product you want to sell on Flipkart
Step 3: Wait until your application is manually processed and approved
Step 4: Once application is approved, you can list your products on Flipkart
Step 5: Make sales, and earn profit
Becoming an affiliate means you will be helping Flipkart make more money. In turn Flipkart will share with you certain % of its profits. This is the simplest way you can make money from Flipkart. All you need to do is help Flipkart find more and more buyers.
When you do so and Flipkart makes a sale, it will then share certain profit margin with you for helping it in getting the sale.
As Flipkart has huge range of products, it has classified its products into categories, like electronics, books, clothing… and so on. Affiliate commission of each category is specified by Flipkart from time to time.
The commission percentage can be found in your affiliate account under commission tab; usually it ranges from 1% to 15% of the selling price.
Just read the below instructions and find how to get your own Flipkart affiliate account.
1. Go to Flipkart Affiliate Landing Page and Create an Affiliate Account for you by clicking the “Register” button. The account created now is different from the other account you used to buy products from Flipkart. Affiliate account is only to earn commissions, and you can’t purchase using this account.
2. Enter the required details like Email address, password, agree the T&C and click the”Register” button.

3. After Registering, You will be asked to fill in your Contact Details like Address, Phone Number, Website Information and Payment method.
4. If you don’t have a website, Don’t Worry Just Go to Google Program Which Name Is Blogger and Create an Account – > Select Themes -> Now Start Posting your Articles or Just Join WordPress Program for Free.
5. In Payment Information, You have 2 types of payment modes. You can choose EFT or Gift Voucher according to your need. In EFT method, your earnings will be Credited to your Bank Account once you reached the threshold limit. In Gift voucher mode, you can have your earnings as a Gift voucher and you can use the voucher code while buying products in Flipkart.
6. Minimum payment threshold for EFT is Rs.2,500, and Rs.250 for Gift voucher.
7. Once Finished entering the required details, click the “Save changes” button in the bottom of the page.
That’s it! Your Flipkart Affiliate Account is ready to earn money.
Once your Flipkart Affiliate account is in place, next step is research work. For achieving maximum success it is essential that you choose the categories on which you want to focus. You need to decide whether you want to promote all Flipkart categories or you want to focus only on some of them. Here are a few tips to help you take this decision:
Your interest can help you determine which products you will be most comfortable promoting. If you have interest in particular category of products you should choose to work with them, as you will have more knowledge and experience with them. This will enable you to sell those products to others too. E.g. If you have interest in fashion, work with clothes, accessories, and similar categories.
Your skill set is another key indicator that will help you determine which category to work with. For those with more complex skill set, working with all categories might be a viable option, whereas for most of us focusing on few categories which suit our skill set is best bet. If you
Your expertise level in your chosen categories, will impact your success. If for example you choose to work with electronic gadgets category, you should have technical expertise, so as to know and understand which product is better than other, and how it can help buyers. This will enable you to convince more buyers about buying the product.
Once you have decided the category/categories you want to work with, we are all set to start the money making process. But first, you will have to invest some resources in order to maximize your Flipkart affiliate earning potential.
Step 1: You need a blog, or website through which you can reach out to maximum buyers and thus maximize your sales and earning potential too.
Step 2: Deciding on a domain name for your website or blog. Here are a few pointers to help you choose the best domain name:
You can take a direct approach and choose a domain name that talks about what it contains. If you are planning to launch a blog on Gadgets you can choose a name which conveys what will be in the blog, it can be as simple as or
Other option is to take an opposite approach, wherein your domain name has nothing to do with what it contains. Under this approach, you can choose a domain name as your name (like I have done), as something you love (, something that would strike a chord with readers ( etc.
Step 3: Buying your domain name. I have found two trusted sellers, whom I keep revisiting for my domains requirements. These are Hostgator & Godaddy.
They are also the largest players in domain space, and hence doing business with them, guarantees smooth transaction and hassle free domain transfer. You can book a .com in 700/- Rs and .in domain in Rs 199/-
Step 4: Once you are done with domain registration; now you need a good blog Hosting services, you need to be very careful while choosing hosting services because if hosting is down this will directly affect your income, hence never go with a cheap hosting plan.
I have done research on hosting providers and suggest the below providers as I use them and I am happy with their services.
Hostgator WordPress Blog Hosting
Bigrock Hosting
Hostgator has this one click WordPress setup button; you can use it to set your blog.
Step 5: Next, you will need a theme for your website/blog. There are many free wordpress themes available; you can install whichever you like.
Step 6: Install SEO Plugins which will help in on-page SEO.
Step 7: Once your blog is ready, you need to start posting content on your blog/website.
Post on the topics which are trending
You will have keep yourself up to date, about the popular products on Flipkart in your category and write about them
Your writing can include guides, suggestion or reviews; you can also compare products within same niche.
However make sure to always give clear winner from amongst the products you have compared. Visitors prefer your article should not be left in the dilemma of which product to buy
Include product affiliate banner under your post
Step 8: Start promoting your blog/website. Work on maximizing visitors to your blog/website. More visitors will mean more profit for you. Do this via:
Various Social Media Platforms
Good link building techniques
Gradually as you accumulate on the number of post, and keep working on promoting your blog; you will find your blog traffic will start improving. As the traffic grows so will your chances of earning from it. Soon you will discover that you are making sales via your Flipkart affiliate account, and before you realize you will be celebrating your first income from Flipkart.
I have shared some of the tips which I used to make Rs 50,000/- in 30 days. Apply them to your website/blog and see your success grow manifold.
Since many people ask me about how to maximize their Affiliate earning, I have done a post on how to use Facebook to make money from Flipkart Affiliate. Read it up and make sure to add your queries in the comments section
Below are my Tips on How you can quickly start making money from Flipkart Affiliate Program.
- Make a niche blog, focus on single category only.
- Run Google Pay per Click ads for your blog. (Remember that as per Flipkart Affiliate Terms & Condition, you cannot run PPC Ads bidding on trademark of or any variation or misspelling of any trademark of Hence don’t run ads for Flipkart products) But you can run ads for your blog & product reviews which you have written.
- In most of the cases, people check for reviews when the plan to buy the product, hence when they come on your site to check the review, there is high chance of you getting that affiliate sale. So make sure you have review articles on your blog/website.
- If not a niche blog create a Price comparison website, where people can compare price of a product from various vendors like Flipkart, Amazon, Snapdeal etc. This is very popular concept and companies are making huge affiliate income through this method.
- Create a Coupon & Discount website, where you provide discounts coupons to audience which is looking for it.
- How this works? Flipkart issues discount coupons for various products, which buyer can redeem when he makes a purchase and gets the discount. If you can collect all those coupons on your website and offer it, people would like to buy that product from you as you are offering them that coupon code. And this will add income to your Flipkart affiliate account.
- This is a very important tip, once you create your blog; focus on building high subscriber base. The more subscribers you have, the more visits you will get for your blog post and the more money you will make via affiliate program.
- You will start making money once you follow these tips however to achieve high ROI, you need help of SEO.
- You will have to learn more about SEO and you will have to get some authority backlinks for your site or blog to make it rank higher in Search Engine.
- Run Paid Promotions for your blog during festival season like Diwali, this will generate additional traffic for your blog and will in turn help you make good amount of money from your affiliate account.
Hope above post helped you; don’t forget to leave your comment below.
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